Web, NEWSLETTERS and email


Email and web communications are instant. One click delivers the message. The Innovate Carolina team uses digital media, including a new website launched in 2017, weekly email newsletters and targeted email campaigns, to share timely information and innovation stories with faculty, students, alumni, investors, donors and senior administrators of the University. The website was built, managed and maintained using the WordPress platform, while the emails were built using the MailChimp and iContact digital marketing tools. 

Innovate Carolina Website: innovate.unc.edu




Web Pages: Products and Services


Email Newsletters (weekly)

Email Newsletter: Nov. 12, 2019 Visit full newsletter archive

Email Newsletter: Nov. 12, 2019
Visit full newsletter archive

Email Newsletter: Oct.21, 2019 Visit full newsletter archive

Email Newsletter: Oct.21, 2019
Visit full newsletter archive


Targeted Emails

Targeted Email: Give UNC Day fundraising email

Targeted Email: Give UNC Day fundraising email

Targeted Email: Celebration of Inventorship event invitation

Targeted Email: Celebration of Inventorship event invitation


In the noisy world of software marketing, you say a lot when you say a little. This set of email communications and web landing pages promote direct offers to highly targeted audiences using concise messaging and copy. The offers include webinars, software trials and events. Most of the emails were built using the Adobe Experience Manager web authoring system.