UNC-Chapel Hill
Idea-to-Impact Campaign
By using a series of graphic social tiles about innovation at Carolina, the Idea-to-Impact campaign was design to raise awareness of the positive social and economic difference made by faculty and students at UNC-Chapel Hill. In the simplest terms, the campaign reveals how innovators at Carolina use their ideas to make an impact. The campaign employed two types of messaging and copy structures (statistics and “did you know” questions) to tell micro stories of Carolina innovation. Posts appeared on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and included links to full feature stories on the Innovate Carolina website.
Global Entrepreneurship Week: Facebook Live Streaming Video, Twitter Cross Promotion
When Innovate Carolina hosted a panel discussion during the annual Global Entrepreneurship Week celebration, nearly 100 faculty and students attended in person. However, by using live streaming video via Facebook Live, pre-event promotions on Twitter and live tweets, the team nearly doubled the reach of the event, increasing the panel audience by 84 percent.
ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival: Live Tweets and Photo Blog
In October 2017, UNC-Chapel Hill teamed up with the 14 other universities in the Atlantic Coast Conference to present campus innovations at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. The Innovate Carolina team used a series of live tweets and a photo blog to bring the museum experience to those who couldn't attend in person.
Live Tweet Series
Festival Photo Blog
Social Tile Graphics for Analytics Microsite
When SAS launched a micro-experience website featuring new stories, trends and innovations with analytics, a social media campaign quickly followed. The graphics below were posted and shared across Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to raise awareness and drive traffic to the website. This social campaign scored in the top 10 for social engagement at SAS in 2016.
Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Amanda Gadd
Social Tile Graphics for Customer Intelligence Campaign
To support a digital lead nurture campaign about how marketing executives can use analytics to improve the customer experience, social tile graphics were used across key social media channels like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to complement an email campaign. The campaign promoted research findings from a SAS-sponsored Forbes Insights report on data-driven customer experience management, which was used as an online offer to gather the contact information of industry leaders interested in learning more.
Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Patrice Cherry