innovation in education


Across the UNC-Chapel Hill community, innovators abound. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are busy putting their ideas to work for the public good: scientific breakthroughs, novel medical treatments, technological advances and programs that spark economic growth and social progress. However, with so many people working in individual schools, departments and programs, the full impact of their combined efforts can be difficult to convey.

That's why the Innovate Carolina team uses the "Innovate" creative campaign to tell a cohesive story of UNC innovators and the vital work they do. The creative uses the letterform "IN" from the word "innovation" as a consistent visual element that is repeated across a variety of communications. This simple visual cue and copy construction helps readers quickly identify that an individual project is part of something larger: an interconnected network of innovators who collaborate to put UNC's knowledge and talent to its highest use.

Rotating Digital Sign Display
Copywriting and Art Direction: Brock Pierce


Promotion: Laptop Stickers
Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Rivers Agency


The story of how SAS collaborates with educational institutions is fascinating. The world's largest analytics company began on a college campus, where it was first used to analyze agricultural data -- specifically data about a handful of cows. The company has grown significantly since those early days, but its commitment to education remains steadfast. The work samples below include: 

  • A long-form booklet that tells the full story of SAS' deep academic roots and how they've grown into innovative technology partnerships with institutions at all levels.
  • A tradeshow booth for the SAS Analytics U program, which is designed to equip students and teachers with SAS software and foster a next generation of analytics leaders.
  • Printed collateral that provides a brief overview of the SAS Education Practice.    
Story Brochure: The SAS Education PromiseCopywriting: Brock Pierce, Beth SatterfieldArt Direction: Ashley Campbell

Story Brochure: The SAS Education Promise

Copywriting: Brock Pierce, Beth Satterfield
Art Direction: Ashley Campbell


SAS Analytics U Tradeshow Exhibit and Naming Identity

Naming and Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Ashley Campbell

Printed postcard that provides a snapshot of SAS' education software, programs and services.Copywriting: Brock PierceArt Direction: Aaron Overington

Printed postcard that provides a snapshot of SAS' education software, programs and services.

Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Aaron Overington

Printed front-and-back brochure that provides on overview of the SAS Education Practice.Copywriting: Brock PierceArt Direction: Aaron Overington

Printed front-and-back brochure that provides on overview of the SAS Education Practice.

Copywriting: Brock Pierce
Art Direction: Aaron Overington